Monday, November 10, 2008

Jesus chases out the gods (moneychangers) of my heart (temple)

jesus, the temple, and the moneychangers


Paul Swearengin (11/2/08)-The River Church

-We’ve settled for the good (moral law in our country) and have forfeited the great (love others unconditionally and letting the love of Christ change their hearts-Matthew 22:17).
-We have given to Caesar what are God’s rather than humbling ourselves, praying, and letting the Holy Spirit do the work on hearts.
-Remember the example of the transvestite in San Francisco. Her purse was taken in front of a church and the people of that church showed the love of Jesus.

Gilbert Foster (11/9/08)-First Baptist Church, Reedley

-Kingdom values are the role of the church. The Kingdom of God has come. This is the good news!
-The good news is not a destination. It has substance for the here and now. We in the church are the primary agents for change.
-The kingdom of God is the range of God’s effective will where what God wants done is done – Dallas Willard.
-The Kingdom of God is an alternative that we live in. It is not a Christian version of Power for this world. Worldly systems are unified by their love of power. This Kingdom of God is unified by the power of love. The Kingdom of God is not a power movement but a love movement.
-“Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
-Eric Fromm – “Being loved is not as great a need as loving.”

Ted Harder (11/9/08)-Church in the Basement (CITB), Reedley

-The valley has a VICTIM SPIRIT that is, actually, the enemy of the HOLY SPIRIT. You know your believing a victim spirit when your crisis is bigger than your Christ.

-We need to become a habitation for His presence. The more I let God reside in my world, the more I understand His.

-When I learn to steward the presence, I get more done on accident than I do on purpose.
-Remember that every success and failure is qualified as steps closer to what God has for me. The only time I fail is when I don’t get up.